Tibetan Heart Chanting by H.H The 14th Dalai Lama

Copyright 2008. Tashi Thontaling Monastery. Afflicated To:- Serpom Monastic University.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

21 praise to Tara Translation

In Tibetan
Om.Jetsun-ma Pama Do'ma la chag tsal lo.Cha tsal Dölma nyur ma pa mo,Chen ni kay chik lo dang dra maJik ten sum gön chu che zhel ji,Gesar je wa lay ni jung ma.<>

Cha tsal tön kay dawa kün tu,Kang wa ja ni tsek pay shel ma,Kar ma tong trak tsok pa nam chi,Rap tu che way ö rap bar ma. <>

Cha tsal ser ngo chu nay che chi,Pay may cha ni nam par jen maJin pa tsön dru ka tup shi waZö pa sam ten chö yul nyi ma.<>

Cha tsal deb shin shek pay tsu tor,Ta yay nam par jal war chö ma.Ma lu pa rol chin pa top ray,Jal way say chi shin tu ten ma.<>

Cha tsal Tutara Hung yi ge,Dö tang cho dang nam ka kang ma.Jik ten dun bo shap chi nen teLu pa me par gu par nu ma.<>

Cha tsel ja jin me hla tsang ba,Lung hla na tsok wang chuk chö ma,Jung bo rolang dri sa nam tang,Nö jin tso chi dun nay to ma.<>

Cha tsal tray che ja tang pay chi,Pa rol trul kor rap tu jom ma.Yay kum yön chang shap chi nen te,Me bar truk pa shin tu bar ma. <>

Cha tsal Ture jik pa chen mo,Du chi pa wo nam par jom ma.Chu che shel ni tro nyer den dzay,Dra wo tam chay ma lu sö ma.<>

Cha tsal kön chok sum tson cha jay,Sor mö tuk kar nam par jen ma,Ma lu cho chi kor lo jen pay,Rang gi ö chi tso nam tru ma.<>

Cha tsal rap tu ga war ji pay,Urjen ö chi treng wa pel ma,Shay pa rap shay Tutara yi,Du dang jig ten wang du ze ma.<>

Cha tsal sa shi chong way tso nam,Tam chay gu par nü ma nyi ma,Tro nyer yo way yi ge Hung gi,Pong ba tam chay nam par Dölma.<>

Cha tsal daway tum bu urjen,Jen pa tam chay shin tu bar ma,Rel pay trö nay Öpame lay,Tak par shin tu ö rap dzay ma.<>

Cha tsal kalpa ta may me tar,Bar way treng way ü na nay ma,Yay chang yon kum kun nay kor gay,Dra yi pung ni nam par jom ma.<>

Cha tsal sa shi ngö la cha gi,Ril ji nun ching shap chi dung ma,Tro nyer chen dzay yi ge hung gi,Rim pa dun bo nam ni gem ma.<>

Cha tsal de ma ge ma shi ma,Nya ngen day shi chö yul nyi ma,Soha Om dang yang dak den pay,Dik pa chen po jom pa nyi ma.<15>

Cha tsal kun nay kor rap ga way,Dra yi lü ni rap tu gem ma,Yi ge chu pay nga ni kö pay,Rik pa Hung lay Dölma nyi ma.<>

Cha tsal Ture shap ni dap pay,Hung gi nam pay sa bön nyi ma,Ri rap Mandara dang bi je,Jik ten sum nam yo wa nyi ma.<>

Cha tsal hla yi tso yi nam pay,Ri dak ta chen cha na na ma,Tara nyi jö pay chi yi ge,Tu nam ma lü par ni shel ma.<>

Cha tsal hla yi tso nam jal pa,Hla tang mi am chi yi ten ma,Kün nay ko cha ga way ji chi,Tsö tang mi lam ngen pa sel ma.<>

Cha tsal nyi ma dawa jay pay,Chen nyi po la ö rap sel ma,Hara nyi jö Tutarayi,Shin tu drak pö rim nay sel ma.<20>

Cha tsal te nyi sum nam kö pay,Shi way tu dang yang dak den ma,Dön dang rolang nö jin tso nam,Jom pa Ture rap chok nyi ma,Tsa way nga chi tö pa di tang.Cha tsal wa la ni nyi shu tsa chik.<>

In English Translation

Om!To Great, Noble Tara, I bow down.I praise the Fearless, the Swift One, Protector, whose glance is like lightning. On the face of Chenrezi, she is born from a tear as a bud from a lotus. Red Tara <>

She of the face like the full moons of autumn that blazes the light of the stars in their thousands.white Tara <>

I praise the Body, all turquoise and golden; Whose hand is adorned with the lotus, most perfect,Whose realm is most generous, diligent, simple.Peaceful and patient, she sits in meditation. Greenish Tara <>

Seated above the heads of all Buddhas, resplendent in joyous and infinite triumph,Deeply honoured by all Bodhisattvas, She is perfect in all of the virtues transcendent.white Tara <>

With ‘Tutare’ and ‘Hung!’ she imbues this world,all ten directions and infinite space.And trampling seven worlds under her feet, she is able to summon them all to her place.Orange Tara <>

I praise the One to whom great gods make toasts.She is honored by spirits, and demons, and ghosts. Reddish-blackTara <>

I hail the One, who by ‘Treh’ and by ‘Peh!’undoes all the plots of conspiring foes; Who wrapped in the fire that rages around her, with right leg retracted and left one extended, Tramples the evil ones under her toes. Black Tara <>

I praise the Swift, the One who is Fearsome who with terrible aspect defeats boldest demons.Her lotus face angrily frowns down upon them so all foes are vanquished, not a single remains. Blackish-red Tara <>

I sing the praises of Her whose hand forms the Triple Gem mudra right at her heart.In her grasp the Dharma Wheel spins out its light in all the directions and to every part.white tara <9>

On her brow she wears radiant joy like a tiara charming demons and gods with her laugh of Tutara. Red Tara <10>

She can summon the guards of this world of desire.With wrathful expression, when Hung! does she utter, she liberates everyone, no more to suffer. Dark orange Tara <11>

She wears the crescent moon as a diadem;and shining atop her hair clustered in curls Rests the Buddha Amida, the ornament on them. Orange Tara <12>

She is the Focus of the flaming garland as the darkening kalpa draws to its close.With right leg extended and left one drawn in,for those who rejoice in the Dharma Wheel’s turning, She is the one who defeats all their foes. Red <13>

Full force to her palm, she strikes the universe’ base.Crying Hung! with a frown as she stamps it down,She subdues all the denizens of seven levels of that nether place.Reddish-black Tara <14>

I salute Lady Peace, Dame Perfection and Bliss;her realm is Nirvana. Between Om! and Swaha! all blemishes vanish by means of her mantra.**Om,Tare Tutare Ture Soha. white Tara <15>

All hail the conquering opponent of those who rejoice as the Wheel of the Dharma goes round.She liberates by means of the radiant light From the Hung! in the ring of the ten-syllable sound. Red Tara <16>

I praise The Swift-footed. Hung! is her seed.Shaker of Meru, Mandara, Kailash,Stamping and trampling three worlds with her feet. Orange Tara <17>

She bears the hare-marked moon, lake of the devas.And by twice saying ‘Tara’And then saying, ‘P'hey’, She removes all contaminants, poisons or kleshas. white Tara <18>

She whom gods, titans and spirits attend,Can dispel any terrors that come in dark hours,A proof against Chaos, her beauty has powers. white Tara<19>

Shining, her eyes like the sun and full moon, By twice saying ‘Hara’ and then, ‘Tutarahyi’,She can put paid the deadly, the wide-raging plague. Orange Tara <20>

Praise be to The Peacemaker. By her triple mantra*All demons succumb.All hail the Swift-one, in her great mandala. *Om Ah Hung*This great dharani ~ this is Her song:The Praises to Tara, all twenty-one!white Tara <21>

"May All sentient Being attain Enlightenment "


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  1. Nice posting. Do you know about these mudra books?
